Blogging the Fringe

Monday, 27 August 2007

THEATER REVIEW- WitTank: A Different Kettle of Fish

This 5-person Durham University sketch comedy troupe is brimming with talent, originality, and a “best of” show that has already separated the wheat from the shaft (umm...chaff).

The skits resembled live-action comic strips, with the last frame joke delivering fantastic one-line punches right on the funny bone. The show operates on a machine-gun delivery: rapid fire with the few dud scenes quickly forgotten in the transition to a new set-up. The sketches were absurd, contrived, burlesque, and easily some of the freshest material I have ever seen. Some of the highlights involved talking beers, pain medication, death row inmates, and a song about the dangers of haircutting.

There were, admittedly, a handful of dour looking members in the audience after the show, “Was that supposed to be funny?” one peevishly asked. WitTank, despite the raves of its most rampant fans, is not a “one size fits all” prescription for humour. It does not necessarily cater to those looking for incisive social commentary, political jokes, and routines on dating, terrorism, or anything that would be described as “challenging.” But if you’re looking for some sharp unadulterated silliness, this definitely beats waiting for your friends to get funny.

And that’s my bottom line: see WitTank. They’re funnier than your friends.


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