Blogging the Fringe

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

THEATER REVIEW- Angel and the Woodcutter

This is one of the best shows, dance or otherwise, that I have ever seen. I was on my feet pounding furiously into my hands and was surprised that among the whole-heartedly enthusiastic audience, there was only a handful that followed suit (I blame British reserve). The show was heartbreaking, beautiful, uplifting, and the energy with which every minute was packed, was breathtaking (and exhausting). The Korean Cho-in Theatre Company speaks volumes without ever uttering a word.

The story follows a family through both peace and war, and excels at choreographing moments of tenderness between the different relationships as they evolve. A lighthearted beginning breaks into a more serious narration. The expressions on the performer’s faces were pantomime and operatic and the language of movement and dance was universal. I think that this is a must-see for all-festival attendees. Even if this is not your typical bag, it's on my list of things that people should be forced to love (can you believe that I'm not a fundementalist?)

I have a friend majoring in dance performance, and I am always called-out for not quite appreciating the craft---no more. Yesterday I was awash with it.


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